Unusually for England, the sun is shining over an extrended holiday period!
It is easy to overlook the effect of fabulous weather on our spirits, but it can be quite marked. We feel more positive when the sun shines and negative when we have a period of extended rain. So what does this mean for us business owners when we are planning for the future and thinking about strategy?
Personally, I think there is enough doom and gloom out there due to the huge cuts in public expenditure and the so- called age of austerity. As business owners we have to look positively into the future or we might as well shut up shop today. So it makes sense to me to do business planning when we are feeling at our most positive.
That is not to say that we should look at our businesses through rose tinted glasses – just that we should take the opportunity to plan at a time when we can offset our natural tendancy to think the worst.
I also think that we are at our most creative when we are inspired. It is easier to be inspired when the sun is shining and we can spend quality time out of doors. Before I start a planning session for my business I like to take the opportunity to take a brisk walk – or even walk whilst I am reviewing my business and my plans for its future.
By doing this I can get the ‘juices flowing!’ and can look at my business in a more rounded way. Also I find it easier to think laterally around any niggles or problems.
So once you have had the long weekend break from your business how about taking some time out to review your business strategy – expecially if it has been a while since you have thought about it. You may well find that it is relatively easy and you feel uplifted by the fact you can visualise the coming year.
Happy planning!
Fiona 🙂