To resolve or not to resolve?

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Happy New Year!!

Now, traditionally the start of a year is a time for new resolutions. These resolutions often cover things we have been struggling with in the previous year. However, the problem with such resolutions is that they are often unrealistic and by the end of January have gone by the wayside.

But the biggest problem is that just because it is the start of a new year, does not mean that it is the right time to commit to a change in behaviour. For example, losing weight is a great idea, but January and February, when the weather is cold and the days dark, is not a time to eat salads and light food.

From a business perspective I find I am most motivated when the weather improves and the days lengthen. I spend more time outdoors, which makes it easier to think problems through. This means that spring/summer is the best time for me to start something new or review business issues.

If, like me, the new year is most definitely NOT the time to commit to change, cut yourself some slack and delay making your resolutions until the Spring (perhaps an Easter resolution would be better). Then give yourself realistic targets designed to change behaviour in the long term and not just for a couple of months.

Fiona 🙂

A year like no other!

Now we are reaching the end of 2016 we can reflect on a year like no other. November saw the election of Donald Trump to the White House and I am still in shock! Not just because I cannot believe that millions of people voted for Trump, but also because it is the latest in a string of decisions which will change our lives fundamentally.

I cannot remember a year like it!

In the UK, of course, we have been focussed on our decision to leave the EU. This sparked a raft of unexpected consequences that are on the face of it unconnected with the intial vote to leave.

Amongst other things Cameron, a vehement remain supporter, felt he had to leave his post along with the Chancellor, ushering the era of May, Hammond and Boris.

Nicola Sturgeon can now smell blood and is gearing up to call for another referendum on whether Scotland should remain in the UK. If there is a vote to leave I believe this will readically change our view of our country’s identity.

Then of course there was Bake Off’s move to from the BBC to Channel 4 – I am too upset to comment on this!

So Trump’s move into the White House is not the only major change in direction we have seen this year – it is, however, the one which will have the biggest long term impact on all of us. Most worrying is his stance on climate change and the likely impact this will have on the US’s willingness to take part in measures to cut green house gasses. The US is the second largest polluter after China, so the fact their leader believes global warming is a conspiracy is deeply worrying.

Any shift in the White House has world wide implications but this one has the potential to extensively effect the global population for generations to come.

So, as business people what can we do?

Companies are regularly rocked by circumstances outside of their control. To avoid being blown off course it is vital to make the core of our businesses as solid as possible.

Having well trained and competent staff; robust management information for effective decision making; sufficient working capital to meet day to day needs; and strong leadership are vital to long term prosperity.