Is it just the weather we should be forecasting?

ForecastingIf you mention forecasting in mixed company you can see a small shudder run around the room.

Many business owners don’t know how much money is in their bank account on a day to day basis and look at their accounts only once a year, so the idea of forecasting for the future leaves them cold.

However, in not doing cash flow forecasting (at the very least) these business owners are putting their businesses at real risk. Banks are reluctant to lend money unless businesses can show they have a solid financial base and businesses that don’t control their cash flow can find themselves really struggling – even if they are profitable.

Forecasting forward can help ensure you don’t suddenly run out of money. If things are going badly you at least have forewarning of when you MUST get some money in and have time to do something about it. You can then use your forecast to help the bank – or any other parties you are hoping to secure funding from – understand your business and who investing in your business is a good bet for them.

I have written a free guide to help you with forecasting for your business which you can download from my website


Just do it!

Last month I wrote about the conference I had recently spoken at and how great that was.

Well, since then I have had a variety of ‘wins’ I would like to share with you because they came about because I was able to just take ideas and run with them – surely one of the biggest advantages of running my own business.

Firstly, my second book that had been launched at conference started to sell. I had written it primarily to accompany my conference talk so I had 10 copies printed to sell there – without much expectation that any one would want one! I sold those copies quickly so I decided to promote the book’s availability on Amazon.

Since then I have steadily sold further copies and now there are 60 out there in the big wide world and apparently being read – a real success from my point of view given the very specialist nature of the subject matter.

So it got me thinking was there a lack of training out there – a gap I could fill?

Several of my contacts agreed with me and so I set about creating and then publicising a pilot workshop to be held in Bristol at the end of September.

I have had such a great response that I am not only running one workshop but two and I have a list of people who want to be kept informed of workshops I might be running in other parts of the UK.

Then, out of the blue I was contacted by company I had never heard of before that wanted to be involved in sponsoring the workshops. It turns out they work closely with a good contact of mine, which is how they came to hear about what I was doing.

It’s all been very exciting.

Finally, I have been so motivated by these successes that I became inspired into writing my third book. I woke up at 5.30 one morning with lots of ideas buzzing in my head. So I got up and just started writing!

I have not accomplished so many things, which would normally be right outside my comfort zone, so quickly, at any time in my career so far! I feel completely energised.

It just goes to show what can be accomplished if you just crack on!
