Business Owner Masterclass

Two key areas any business owner must master if their business is to be financially sound are pricing and getting paid.These are so important that I have created online masterclasses to help any business owner learn what they need to do for their business to be proficient at pricing and/or getting paid.

Financial Health Check

I offer a free one hour financial health check meeting in Wells, or remotely via Skype or Facetime. It is designed to give you some immediate pointers to changes you can make so your business finances are healthier.

Health Check

If you would like to take advantage of this offer please email me at:

Free Guides Bright Business Thoughts My Book

Featured Partner

Every business relies on key partners for its success - each month I am introducing one of mine (see below). Looking for a great professional? Go to my partners - I can recommend them all highly.

Luan Wise

LinkedIn is a great tool for business people - especially for owner/mangers of SME businesses. But it is often difficult for us to find out how best to use it to reach potential customers and contacts and get the best out of this excellent resource. Luan is a great person to have on your team to help get the best out of any of your social media. She has a raft of tips and hints to share and knows social media like the back of her hand.

Your Business Finances

For me, helping you master your business finances is about you building the 'best' business for you. 'Best' will mean different things to different people.

For some, 'best' means achieving a Richard Branson level of success, but for others it means having a business that provides them enough income, and time, to do their favourite hobby.

Whatever your business aspirations I aim to help you fulfil them.

I do this by taking the time to understand your business and what you, the business owner, want to accomplish. I then give you the information you need to run your business effectively - in a way you can use and understand.

In this way you can start mastering your business finances.

Free Guides


Sometimes we just need a little help to solve a problem. With this in mind I have written some guides on financial and other business issues for you to download for FREE.


Two key areas any business owner must master if their business is to be financially sound are pricing and getting paid.These are so important that I have created online masterclasses to help any business owner learn what they need to do for their business to be proficient at pricing and/or getting paid. Find out more

Top Tips

Here are my top three tips to help you improve your business finances straight away.

Kind Words

"Fiona is that rare bird in her field - a true management accountant. Her passion is helping people to get control of their businesses so they can take them where they want to go."

Tony McKenna of Mckenna Smith Wessex

"Fiona is an extremely personable professional who makes sense of numbers!! The information and analysis she provides are essential pieces of the jigsaw that every business owner needs to ensure they are on track with their plans. Highly recommended."

Chris Tabb of Lightside

"There is no-one sharper or more masterly in their craft than Fiona Bevan. Add that to the fact that she's personable, I can trust her implicitly with my clients, she offers practical, pragmatic advice that my clients have found instantaneously valuable and she's just lovely to know. "

Ryan James of Playmaker

My Business Thoughts

In my Bright Business Thoughts blog I write about topics pertinent to small business owners. I hope you enjoy it.

Below are my last three blogs - by clicking on 'read more' you will be taken to the Bright Business Thoughts site.

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My Sponsored Charity

The Parkinsons Trust Anyone whose family is affected by Parkinsons will understand what a invidious disease it is. Contrary to popular belief it is not just a disease that effects the older population but can blight the lives of younger suffers too. There is currently no cure and this is something the Cure Parkinsons Trust is aiming to change. The Trust is Bevan Financial Management's chosen charity, which we support with regular monthly donations and other fundraising activities.