Joys of lockdown

Is it too early to find things to feel positive about in these unprecedented times?

It is certainly the case that for many business owners the current situation is one of great stress and uncertainty. Many businesses will not be able to survive the period of inactivity – and that is a tragedy.

However, I think there are opportunities too that have come out of our enforced changed circumstances, which I would like to explore.

For many of us the slow down in the pace of life has meant we have had time to reflect on our lives – both professional and personal. We have had some space to put things into perspective and to plan for how we would like our post COVID-19 lives to be.

The future is uncertain for all of us, that is for sure, but then the future is always uncertain. If we wait to plan and review until a time when decision making is risk free, we will be waiting for ever.

Maybe you have found that your business is more robust than you thought. You are weathering the storm and life looks ok. In which case you are in the lucky position – perhaps –  that you don’t have to get as stressed as you used to about your business.

On the other hand, if business was a constant challenge before lock down, and is even more stressful now, perhaps now is the time to reconsider the path you have been taking. Is there something else you would rather be doing to earn your daily bread?

Sometimes we can find ourselves trapped in a set of circumstances that are not positive for either ourselves or our families. This can often be a result of letting your business rule your world rather than you ruling it.

If you are in this situation, don’t you owe it to yourself to question how you might make serious changes so your future is much more positive than your past? 

One thing lockdown has given many of us is a better work/life balance. I am certainly spending much more time doing proper exercise – long walks and bike rides, static rowing… I feel healthier for it and have even lost weight!

This is possible because I am not spending any time travelling to meetings or events. All my work is done from home – I have more productive hours in the day!

I can’t wait for lock down to end but I will need to find a way to hang on to the balance I have found.

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